*Look at the mirror to talk with the cop.
*Choose your awansers.
*After the acident watch where is the body trough the window.
*check your right side and kick the window.
*Take the keys from the cop.
*when he becomes zombie back away and grab the shotgun and the bullet on the side and bum!!
Chapter 2-Clementine´s house
*Walk in to the house and open the back door.
*pass throw the kitchen and activate the awanser machine.
*enter in the kitchen and open the middle drawer to find the walkie-talkie.
*when you get attacked kick her to get her away then grab the hammer the Clementine gives you and slash!.
*Choose if you go now or in the night.
If you choose day
*Go to the front gate and talk to Shawn Greene and Chet.
*Try not lie.
*Choose the car hood to move it.
If you choose night
*Aproach the front gate and talk to Shawn and the xerife deputy.
*Talk to them and they will take you to hershel´s farm.
Part 3 Hershel´s farm
*Converse with people.
*Decide iff u lie or if you say the true when you talk with hershel.
*in the fence decide if you save Shawn or Duck.
*Shawn will die even if you choose to save him and it will affect your relantionship with Kenny.
*My advice is to save Duck.
*Talk to Hershel and Kenny and no matter what you say Kenny will offer you a ride to Macon.
*In Macon talk to people until you find someone to come with you outside.
Part 4 Motel
*Once you came outside you should see a pillow on your left side grab it.
*Run to the truck and kill the zombie with the pillow ( i know it´s weird :p).
*Open the car door and grab the spark plug then return to the truck and grab the icepick.
*target the zombie and kill him with the icepick.
*Kill the trapped zombie.
*After that meet the girl and decide if you give her a gun or not.
Part 5 Keys
*Talk to Doug at the pharmacy.
*Give the remote to Doug turn on the TV´s.
*after that knock off the lock with the axe.
*open the door and grab the brick.
*run to LEE´s brother and knock him off to retrieve the keys.
*use the keys on the door of the pharmacy altough you could just break it with your axe.
Part 6 Escaping the zombies
* keep blocking the door for the zombies dont come in.
* After Clementine comes to help you have to choose who you will save Doug or Carly.
*kill the zombie who is attacking Clementine.
*Run to the door and grab Kenny´s hand.
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